You will receive:
- A proactively managed and compliant Discretionary Portfolio Management Service aligned to your attitude to risk as agreed with your professional financial adviser, which ranges across the spectrum from lower to higher ratings
- A highly focused fund manager with over 30 years of industry experience supported by a team of professional, dedicated and knowledgeable personnel
- Peace of mind in the knowledge that your investments are being reviewed based on a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative research process
- The availability to call a member of the administrative team who can deal with any support related issues regarding your portfolio e.g. request extra copies of a report or change income instructions
- A full Discretionary Portfolio Management service for the same cost as many Unit Trusts / OEICS
- Quarterly valuation reports sent to you in a timely manner which meet full compliance and regulatory requirements
- An annual dividend and transaction statement, including a Capital Gains Tax report as at the 5th April
- The option to take an income from your portfolio (either fixed or varied) on a monthly or quarterly basis, re-invest the income, or a combination of both
- The opportunity to sign up for our simple Online access via our secure website portal to view your portfolio valuation
- Market Reviews which are our in-house commentary and views on the economy and global markets
We pride ourselves on the quality of our personal service, along with our approachable, friendly and professional attitudes. If there is any further information you require, please do not hesitate to contact us